Sunday, June 29, 2008

Cindy's is the place to be

Hints as to how Saturday was spent by a Sailor with Saturday Girls and a funny guy.
  1. Acidic Singang and Ginataang Tulingan for dinner
  2. Ice cream with dark chocolate sauce
  3. Blue Cheese and Chardonnay
  4. Wasabi Chips
  5. Shiraz Chili Dip
  6. nice girl costume
  7. playing with fun cam
  8. stargazing
  9. a half naked woman standing by the window
  10. silly pictures


Anonymous said...

When I first started reading I thought you were talking about a Restaurant, then I got to the camera and the half naked women and realized you were not.

Making movies now? Kind of sounds like it. I hope the movies have a fine script with a good plot or at least some good special effects.

tracy gomez said...

Just taking photos :)

I hope you didn't mix up the naked woman with "playing with fun cam"--it's not really my style. Hahaha.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that. I assumed as much, but who knows, people change.

My faith is restored, but remember booze and cameras don't mix well. Before you know it, youtube is hosting your image and people are trying to figure out how she did that stuff. She must be flexible.

tracy gomez said...

Seems like advice based on experience. Thanks for the tip, although I seriously doubt that I am a likely candidate as I could sometimes be the biggest party pooper :p

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