Sunday, December 14, 2008

drowning in waves

I had been wanting to do a wrap dress for ages as I love wrap clothes :)

I did find myself a bit overwhelmed with colors when I first tried on the dress. I might have felt just a bit nauseas from the pattern (this is cotton fabric, by the way). I don't know about you, but it reminds me of scenes from movies when a flashback is about to be shown (or when the reception is really bad). Overall, I am happy with how it turned out, as I like how it fit, how the straps match perfectly, how the tie are equal and how the side that overlaps is curved. I think I would wear this dress a lot. (I think I need to stock up on Bonamine.)


Melvin Chee said...

you must have a very big wardrobe to keep all your creative works. i always have problems storing my clothes when i buy new ones and can't bare to throw away the old ones.

btw, your profile picture looks like President Arroyo :)

tracy gomez said...

I try to give away clothes I no longer wear as often as I can because of my limited closet space, but I can totally relate when you say you can't bear to give away specific items.

You are the second person to say that. Hahahaha. Now I'm thinking there might be some truth to it!

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