Saturday, October 2, 2010

who is the fairest of them all?

A certain trendy make up brand releases limited products every few weeks. While I like this brand, I never really purposely go to the store because I just have to have a certain limited edition item.

Until yesterday.

In this case admittedly, it was more the packaging than the product that drew me. Needless to say, it is not like they produce horrible products--contrary to that in fact.

To my disappointment, the mirror didn't talk. LOL. Maybe it just didn't want to answer my question.I also got a couple of lipsticks, one called heartless and the other sinister.I hope the brand doesn't come up with more villain endorsed products because then, I'd be in trouble.


Nubian said...

I want one!! Too cool! And with regards to the mirror not saying anything, it is because it was speechless. :~)

Camille said...

Hahaha! Cute! :D

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