Thursday, October 7, 2010

pet SHOP boys

When you read about shopaholics, most often they shop like crazy because they try to fill a void... I had been buying stuff lately, for my room, to replace worn out shoes, to revamp my wardrobe and I couldn't help but think AM I TRYING TO FILL A VOID?

Denial is always the first stage. So it would be quite fast for me to say that I don't have a problem.

This leads me to another question though, what qualifies a person as a shopaholic? For all I know, I may be one. Or had turned into one.

They say that like alcoholism, it isn't always obvious.

You don't have to spend beyond your means to be one. People who spend unreasonable time shopping or those who constantly think of things they want to buy (but don't actually purchase) are also guilty as charged. (Which means that having access to internet encourages this disorder!)

As I want to evaluate my state, I would consciously monitor my actions. I would note down how many times I think of something I want to buy (with the exception of essentials like toiletries and food--make up not included!), non-essentials that I buy and time I spend shopping for the next six weeks.

I feel it is not the best time as I am traveling the next week and three different groups of friends and family are coming over to visit during this period, but I quite feel that I have to do this now.


Nubian said...

I think you have nothing to worry about!

tracy gomez said...

That is encouraging :) Thanks.

It may have been one of those assessment period--as we are in the fourth quarter and fast approaching the close ;)

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