Friday, October 15, 2010


I had been so curious about this cupping method since I first read about it.

The therapist would spend 45 minutes to an hour alternating massage and pulling your muscles with suction cups all over your back and you can literally feel the tension on your back melting away with every rub, press and pull.

After the session, I felt young again. As in no back pain!

Of course the hassle is that your back looks ridiculous afterwards, but that is a very small price to pay for the relief and wellness that you get out of it. I promise that it is well worth the trouble--even if you spend a day at the beach where obviously, your back is exposed for the world to see.

I would have booked another session with the therapist if only you can do this as often as you like. Apparently, the body can only take one session every four weeks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i had this once, i got more stressed :( my back ached so much! i think it also depends on the masseuse.. yours must be good. mine i think was a construction worker! haha

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