Thursday, August 26, 2010

moving on

It had been a roller coaster week at work topped with drama, no thank you to my prescription--that I took the last of yesterday (yey!).

I had also been little by little clearing my room and doing some packing as we are moving homes this weekend.

It is only when you are forced to look at your room that you realise marvelous--and horrible things. Over the last two weeks, I had come to a conclusion that...I let my room go.

Admittedly, my room is an eyesore in our lovely home :(

I am blessed to have a sister in law who accepts me, no matter how my room looks. Because I love her and know how much she likes organised and well put together places, I have vowed to make sure I never fall into the trap again.

1 comment:

Nubian said...

All the best on your move! When we moved, two months ago, we got rid of so much stuff I am now so much more organized and happy to say, the home is easier to manage.

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