Monday, August 16, 2010


I saw an episode of How I Met Your Mother wherein Ted went on the same date seven years apart.

If you didn't see that particular episode, my synopsis would not make sense and would have no connection to what I have in mind to write about.

So maybe, I should elaborate.

In 2002, Ted went on a blind date where he looked for typos in the menu, cracked a silly joke while the girl made excuses about being jobless and didn't stop talking about her cats.

It somehow didn't go so well as to bear a second date.

In 2009, Ted goes to another blind date where he looked for typos in the menu, cracked a silly joke and the girl made excuses about being jobless and didn't stop talking about her cats.

Both dates, the same girl.

No, I don't want to write about blind dates. But being the same person each time you get into something, or take a chance with someone.

I'd like to think that I have gone a long way since 2002, but somehow I remain to be that person.

Specific things that made me happy then, still make me light up.

I still go crazy about wrong slogans or silly expressions, laugh at ridiculously corny jokes, make excuses for eating too much sampaloc and talk for hours about Anne Rice or Neil Gaiman. Actually, I can still talk for hours. There. Annoying. I know.

So maybe, I too go into these things as the same person each time. Somehow.

1 comment:

Nubian said...

Sounds like you would have had more fun joining my husband and I on our Sunday adventures.

You do not need to post this to your comments, I just didn't know how else to copy you on my blog. Hope your Sunday was great.

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