Tuesday, May 11, 2010

bus card

I wasn't too happy when I tapped my wallet on the bus card reader and nothing was being read. Imagine my frustration when I opened my wallet and found out that I was missing my bus card. To make matters worse, the bus door had closed and the driver had started inching towards the traffic. I had to ask the driver to let me out. Fortunately, he didn't make a fuss out of it.

I made my way back to the nearest MRT station to get another bus card--shaking my head the whole time. I began to think of when I lost it.

I decided that it was that moment when I was in queue and one of my business cards fell off my wallet. Surely, my bus card must have fallen too. I was not too happy about the fact that there were so many people around but not one person pointed it out to me.

I was able to secure a card and get home without drama.


When I reached home, emptied my bag to the bed so I can get rid of receipts, foreign coins and other things I needed to clear.

And what do you know, I found my missing bus card on top of the heap.

1 comment:

Caleb said...

That reminds me of the time I ordered a ham sandwich and got turkey instead. Okay, technically that story is completely unrelated.
PS I bet you DO have more than 60 pairs of shoes. Ever heard of shoeaholic-denial?

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