Sunday, May 9, 2010

barely halftime

I woke up from a nightmare and had been tossing and turning the last hour. It looks like sleep won't come easy now.

So then, it is an opportune time to write a blog entry.

Only, I can't think about anything to write about.


I can feel change coming my way. More like changes. It is not nearly close to the first digit in my age in a few weeks time, but I'm talking big bigger things. Things that matter. To me.


While I am waiting for the crossroads to come into play, I can't help but think of the forks on each of the roads potentially ahead.


This had been a very exciting year for me so far.

It is barely halfway through, but so many things had already happened that I can't help but thing that if the pace keeps up, I would need more potent multivitamins for the rest of the year.


Nubian said...

Maybe you have jet lag? Great to read that your year is going to be what you deserve. I am hoping for the same. ;D

tracy gomez said...

You're right, my sleep pattern seem to be the same as that from last week. I hope tonight it gets better as the work week is starting.


I wish you a wonderful year--no, wonderful years ahead :)

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