Monday, October 27, 2008

for the rainy days

I was so pissed when I realized that again, my umbrella was ruined. This was my third umbrella since I got here. It seems that umbrellas from the specific shop do not really last for long, these consistently last for just a little over a year. Added to the fact that I thought I paid more that what should be paid for umbrellas, I really liked the last one that I had. It was plain black, and on one side, the brand was spelled in crystal or maybe plastic studs posing as diamonds.

I decided that I wouldn't buy an umbrella from that store again, I knew I needed to get a new one but I prolonged the purchase until I find a deal agreeable to my terms. I did see one that I fancied from another shop but it was double the cost of the last, and I didn't want to be kicking myself next year in case it breaks again (and I would learn the hard way that a year is in fact the lifespan of folding umbrellas).

I waited and in the meantime, suffered whenever there was rain, as two spokes of my umbrella didn't fully extend anymore.

Today, finally. I found my next umbrella. I am very happy about it (although it could do without the print) and dare I say, I could hardly wait till it rains. It has been a long time coming, but I think it was worth the wait.

It is not only very compact, but also has something extra!
And the ruffles are released...
almost there, hold your horses...
(sigh) finally, in full glory.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ayy.. hahaha! ang kikay! so girly girly :D

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