Tuesday, October 14, 2008

shut up


Some surveys and research results show that most people rather die instead of talking in front of a live audience.


Fear of public speaking has negative effects on careers and influences success in life negatively when you do nothing about it.

Three out of every four individuals suffer from speech anxiety: that's 75 percent.

Up to 5 percent of the world population, yes, hundreds of millions aged between 18 and 54, experience this kind of social phobia in any given year.

Women and men are equally affected. Although there are fear of public speaking statistics that present figures in which more women suffer from speech anxiety related problems.

More men than women seek treatment to cure fear of public speaking. Some public speakers have turned to beta-blockers or hypnosis therapy to find relief. But I prefer easy online self-help materials, like Instant Speaking Succes, one of the best selling self-growth books.

Social phobias often start with shyness in childhood or early adolescence, and progresses during adolescence, according to scientific studies of fear of public speaking statistics.

Read more in http://www.speech-topics-help.com/fear-of-public-speaking-statistics.html

I think there is too much information I put in here--this is not overwriting in my part because I did not actually write these up, I just copied and pasted (and condensed) . So what am I thinking? Irony. It seems like a lot of people are having trouble speaking up, while on the other hand, there is ME. I am having a hard time NOT speaking up when I have something in my mind. It is not the easiest thing to do, shutting up. There are so many things to say, but I am shutting up, so that I could listen some more.

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