Monday, January 18, 2010

keep the love alive

It was love at first sight, maybe I had my reservations, after all, everyone who knew somewhat felt that it was a bit too much. Too high maintenance, too flashy, too indulgent, too much of a good thing.

Maybe relationships are meant to be this way.

But also maybe, it was meant to not last. Renaissance.


I tried so many times, (god knows) to move on. To the next one. To the one that would fit my life now. But no luck. Despite all my effort to go on, it find myself stuck.


Maybe I should stop trying, because one day, it will just happen.

Good--GREAT things come to those who wait.


An umbrella is a good thing, right?

My birthday is not for a few months, it would be great--GRAND if someone wonderful gets me one. LOL


Cheng said...

are you still searching for the perfect umbrella? :)

tracy gomez said...

Not really searching. I'd know when I come across it.

LOL ;)

Seriously though, it really isn't an easy task--getting an umbrella. As I bring it with me everyday, there are really a lot of factors to consider!

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