Tuesday, February 24, 2009


On my way home from a long conversation with a friend, I was suddenly reminded of The Five Stages of Depression and Death. As this was contrary to the conversation we had, it came as a surprise. Why the sudden shift? Maybe writing about it would help me figure out the great mystery.

What are the stages?
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.

What am I thinking now?
I'm thinking that it is odd that Depression is the fourth stage of depression (and death). That is like saying that lace is a layer of lace and silk. Hmmmm. That sort of makes sense. I'm better with garments.

How am I feeling?
I'm feeling restless. During times like these, I think it is nice to have a stranger (with a decent brain) around to talk to. It is never complicated to talk to a stranger, mainly because they have an open mind. Plus they really don't give crap about what you are talking about--this means that they ask the right questions. Like why and how.

What is happening?
No idea.

Anything that relates to death or depression happen lately?
Someone died. I was not particularly close to her. We shared a few smokes, laughs and maybe stories once upon a time. She died. Car accident. I was dumbstruck. I thought to myself, she can't die, she is too much like me. It could have been me. No. I'm not panicking. I was just suddenly reminded that death is real. Real.

Is there a point to this entry?
I don't think so.

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