Monday, April 16, 2007


In one of my friend and I's email exchanges, we tapped on the topic of settling.

He says that there is no way a person can NOT settle.

He argues that there is always someone better, so when you meet someone and decide to be with that person, you have settled. You have given up the chance to meet "better". And he adds that maybe that is why marriage is called settling down.

As the once queen of cynicism, I understand his point completely. It made sense, it made perfect sense.

However, despite all my boo-ing on the cheesy theories people have about romantic love, I have a different view. I think that when you line up all the women (or men) you have met, dated, liked, loved, dumped, glorified, lost, what-have-you, there would always be that one person who would be, over everyone, more. And if you end up with that person, that is what I call, not settling.

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