Friday, March 27, 2009

(with you) i'm hard core

Here is an edited version of the chat exchange I had with SG yesterday.

SG: I'm watching Shopaholic next week with my the girls.
TG: Hahahahaha. I see you have a session too.
SG: Yeah, it is a bonding movie.
TG: It is funny how if the two of us were to watch a movie it would most definitely NOT be the Shopaholic movie or something like it.
SG: Yup. And if we were going in a group I know of someone who would object.
TG: Well, I know of someone who would initiate watching it, and would pass it off as though it was my idea.

When I think about it, it is probably the kind of relationship that I have with SG. Although we are girl friends, we never do girly things that girl friends do (I am not complaining here, I am simply stating a fact).

What is it that we do? Nothing.

What is it that we talk about? Nothing.

Like Seinfeld.

1 comment:

saturday girl said...

but we sure did enjoy watching SHOOT 'EM UP! (KILL 'EM ALL!) hahaha

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