Wednesday, June 8, 2011


While I a still at beginner level at yoga, one thing that I appreciate is the increased awareness and improved ability to "listen" to my body.

In the past, I did not realise that my muscles were tense most times during the day--including the jaw and neck.

Since this eye opening moment, I would consciously relax any muscle that is engaged, unless of course I am carrying out physical activities.


During challenging or more thoughtful times, I catch myself tensing facial muscles more.

Last week was particularly hectic and interesting in the office. And we all know how that went....

Yesterday, I couldn't really see.


Today, the my facial muscles seem overworked. It feels spent.

I've consciously counted how many times I caught myself tensing the last two hours, I stopped counting at six.


I think I need a recording of my favorite yoga instructor asking me to lelac my tang, tee, joe....

1 comment:

Nubian said...

I have started Yoga and am amazed as well.

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