Friday, December 31, 2010


This year, I am grateful for a lot of things.

I think first would be the gift of forgiveness. It is easy feel nothing, but somehow seemingly impossible to forget--for me. This year, I felt a part of me come alive, waking from a paralysis that is bore from years of indifference. I am happy for this second chance. It should not go without saying that while it is a personal decision, I appreciate encouragement I had received from friends and loved ones. I know it took me forever, but there is such as perfect timing.

I also went home to my home country after three years. In fact, I went back twice. I realised that where I'm from, there is (literally) music wherever you go. It doesn't matter if you are in the grocery, mall, gym, in transit between buildings, there is always music. You sort of get used to it, so you never notice, but in the couple of weeks that I was back, there is was. Music. I miss that.

We also move homes. I love how all my things fit in my room. I am also happy that my room is no longer an eyesore in our lovely home :)

Oh, I finally got my mannequin too! Sewing was not as big this year as it was in 2009, but I did a LOT of alterations. I'm not sure if that counts.

I saw my favorite aunt who I have not seen in 15 years! It is funny how she didn't look like she aged at all. In fact, I think she looks younger now.

I went cold turkey and stopped drinking my favorite, Coke Light. It should be good for me in the long run, there is still a struggle in my head whenever I eat anything charred.

I've finally become decent with the way I line my eyes. I knew that at some point, it would stop being such a big effort and will take no time at all to put on. Practice, practice, practice. It had been a constant frustration but with a lot of help from the make up gurus in YouTube, the best (in my book) gel eyeliner and a good brush, I have conquered... eyelining.

Yes, zapping. I will not elaborate.

I did some traveling this year too. That was exciting. I loooooooove the photos. And I can almost hear my mom say "Next time maybe you want to send us pictures from your trip that actually show YOU".

Yoga. My flexibility still remains poor, but at its feeble state, it had been such an improvement. I had discovered a class that I actually look forward to going to!

I also saw a number of good performances. I loved Simply Red! I think that sort of stood out from all the concerts I saw this year. Maybe Green Day kicked off really well in January, so it was one good show after the other.

Wicked was really wicked ;) Loved it!

Movies! My favorite movie this year is L'arnacoeur. Other favorites are Inception, Despicable Me, Never Let Me Go and Lovely Bones. I saw Love in the time of Cholera this year too, but I'm not sure if that counts because it was released in a different year. I hate that Black Swan is not yet showing here! I have to wait till February 2011.

On the telly, Dexter and South Park remain my favorites. I love Lie to Me though! I'm also starting to warm up to Master Chef, I find myself engrossed every time I catch it on.

On books, the Millennium Trilogy as a highlight this year. I also discovered Philip Roth and stumbled back into the arms of Mike Gayle and not to mention my all time favorite writer, Neil Gaiman.


I honestly want to write some more, but I have lost all will to continue doing so because my stomach is growling, plus I need to get ready for to head out.

Happy New Year! :)

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