Sunday, December 19, 2010

you say it best...

There was once a time that I could have talked to a certain friend for... days.

Somehow things have happened that I could not get two words out when we are around each other.

I wouldn't say we lost it, because you never really lose what had been built. And there were no destructive events either.

Maybe, our season had passed. Maybe we had both moved on and could no longer relate to each other.

It is sad. I know though that at the right time or situation, things would pick up. And if they don't, then...we'd always have our moments.

Why does this read like goodbye?


It had not been writing as much sunday entries for a while--I guess my sundays had changed.

1 comment:

Nubian said...

I do believe people have a purpose in our lives at that moment. Then we/they are off to serve a purpose else where. I have found that those people are now re-entering my life... different time, different faze.

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