Thursday, October 15, 2009

(500) days of summer

Why is it that people around me are fussing about the movie?

Hmmmmmm. Let's see.

1. because the scale is always tipped. no matter how little, how seemingly insignificant, the scale is always tipped.
2. because sometimes the proverbial screen--picture splits and you realise the glaring difference between your expectation and reality.
3. because there is that day, the beginning of summer.
4. because summers end.
5. because sometimes you only remember the good things, and until someone points that out, you are that idiot with selective memory.
6. because when you look back, it pays if you look again.
7. because sometimes she is just not sure.
8. friends my b*lls.
9. because technicalities suck.
10. because sometimes walls crumble.
11. because you want to be the first (and only) one she tells.
12. because you already have a best friend.
13. because you want to be the best friend...if only (and only if) there is more to it.
14. because even if she is of average height, average weight and (slightly above) average sized feet--to you, she can never be average. Or he.
15. because you are never really sure whether coincidences are just that, coincidences.


Marie said...

Did you not like the movie?

tracy gomez said...

I actually loved the movie :)


can I just say for the nth time that Tom--Joseph Gordon-Levitt is such a good actor! especially that part in the end, when Summer talks about waking up and being sure about (SPOILER SPOILER) what she was not sure of about him.

I like how the story was told too. While they mixed all the days up, it is a no brainer to put things together. It is like how they did memento.

I also like the little clips they put in between.

I like how the narrator never over narrates.

This comment is so long that I should have made a post out of it.

amy said...

There's no like button, but i like your entry ;) cant wait to watch this!

tracy gomez said...

:) i bet you will enjoy it.

And no, girls who play football are not guppies. Lol.

Unknown said...

i better watch this movie.. HE might be able to relate :D

tracy gomez said...

What do you mean?

Do you mean HE, he?

Unknown said...

yeah, i'll make sure He watches too ;)

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