Friday, May 18, 2012

the baker is back

I haven't baked for a very, very long time.

My last attempt failed because, well, we had a spoilt oven. I was told the day after that "it was known to everyone" that it was broken. Okaaay.

It was reassuring thought--that it wasn't me. (smiles)


For some odd reason, when people meet me for the first time it seems that the impression I give is that I can't cook nor can I do sports. Not that I talk about cooking. Or sports.

The person I'm with is no exception. He sort of looks at me wide eyed (and nodding) whenever I mention something about myself involving either.

You won't believe how much time it took him to stop laughing that day I drove and shot an imaginary basket. When I asked him why it was funny, he said it just was.

He later admitted that my form was pretty good. An achievement in my book knowing how much he loves the sport.


And then, there's the other thing. Baking.

Tonight, I baked him a carrot cake.

I am just too excited for him to look at me wide eyed (and nodding) saying "this is really good--even better than your shooting form".



Marie said...

He will fall in love with you all over again! No one can resist that carrot cake recipe :)

Unknown said...

Oh I can relate so bad. For some reason I come off as stupid to my friends, so when I invite them to my academic award ceremonies, they go wide-eyed! They say, "WOAH I never knew you were so smart!" Like, ano?! Kapal ng muka!

And carrot cake is the best! I don't really like any other flavor, but carrot cake takes the.. well, cake!

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