Friday, March 30, 2012

gua sha girl

I think I had gone crazy over Gua Sha.

At least the person I'm with thinks so.

At least, looking at my legs--I'd think so.

At least, anyone who had spoken to me the past few days would think so.

Maybe I'm a little crazy--at least it's about some old Chinese practice.


I would like to thank my lovely friend Lirie for once again, going around China with me :)

It started with my wanting to have some cupping therapy done, to which the universe conspired against--to have me experience Gua Sha.

I won't talk technical / medical terms. But I will talk about assessments and feelings.


The practitioner told me of three points that I knew for a fact, I was quite surprised how dead on the assessment was, given that I had not provided any information to them.

I was also impressed by how the markings on my back physically validated what I was feeling inside.

I was also told to keep warm, take it easy and not to take a shower that day. The last part I ignored. I did wait till midnight to wash up. I don't think that was what she meant though.

Maybe that was okay, my body has a pretty good sense of humour ;)


Fast forward to one week later, I got my hands on a cruelty free water buffalo horn gua sha tool.

Late at night in my hotel room, I was sitting up, unable to sleep thinking about the workday, I decided to self gua sha.


I was so delighted to see some red spots. I was more encouraged by the smoothing feeling it gave me, that maybe I over gua sha-ed.

That lead to a lovely night's sleep.

Then, I woke up.


Bruised. Badly bruised.

I could hardly walk.


The next two days were torture. It hurt to stand. It hurt to sit. It just hurt :(

It was also alarming to look at. I looked like I was a hazing survivor.

Some areas were purple, on top was a sprinkle of red rashes. The red dots were everywhere, actually.

The 'rashes' didn't hurt. It was not even itchy. It was just an eyesore--as I knew these would go away, I didn't feel like that was a biggie.

It was the bruising and pain that really got to me.


I showed a photo of the rashes to my best friend and another girl friend, they both got goosebumps--as in they were grossed out!


It had been a week today.


Alternating Tea Tree Oil and Hirudoid application twice a day had really paid off!

The purple had turned red and there are areas that are now yellow.

I had recovered from looking like a hazing survivor to someone with liver dysfunction. At least there is minimal--if any pain at all.

I'm not sure which of the two made my recovery this fast--I remember estimating 3 - 4 weeks for everything to go away.


What of gua sha?

Well, I gua sha-ed my arms the other day. Gently this time.

I had nothing, maybe around twenty red dots on my left bicep and fifteen on the right bicep.


I had definitely learnt my lesson.

But this is not to say that I will stop practicing self gua sha.

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