Saturday, January 8, 2011

Love & Other Drugs

I saw the movie today and I must say that I liked it.

(I especially like how it was not too hollywood about the female form--it almost felt like a indie film in that aspect.)

I would have liked it more if Jake was a better actor :-p


It is interesting how some people refuse to be with someone they need. Even if they are in love.

There is something vulnerable about needing someone. What more needing someone, more than that someone needs you?

An idealist will say that you stay with someone because you want to, not because you need to.

And overly analysing individuals would think "What if I love him AND need him too? Does that count?". The answer they would give themselves would be that it is okay as long as the love is more that the need part.

How do you know?

I think at some point one would consider to...surrender.

And accept the fact that maybe, everyone needs someone. And there is no wrong in that.

Maybe that is the leap of faith that you have to take to allow yourself to be truly happy.


After the movie, the person I was with noticed that I suddenly had rashes on the right side of my face. My face--which was clear throughout dinner.

I thought maybe it was the sushi? I enumerated everything I ate today and there was nothing new or unusual.

Maybe it is my new shampoo? My growing out fringe would hit the right side of my face, maybe that's it?

I'm going to stop using it and if this clears, we got ourselves the allergen.

Or not.


It has happened twice--over the same stressful phase. The dermatologist couldn't identify it as anything but an allergy and despite availability of allergy tests, the allergen was never ever discovered.

Later, when that phase finally passed, I thought that maybe it was the stress.


I bet a certain someone will say that something about Maggie stressed me out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

love it! made me realize what i'm doing 'here' :D

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