Saturday, July 17, 2010

young love

I would never take photos of strangers using my mobile, but today something caught my eye.It if isn't quite clear what the young man is holding apart from the guitar, I'm happy to tell you that he has a bouquet of white roses and a plastic bag of what appears to be chocolates.


I remember thinking that when you are young, you tend to scream in other ways than verbally about your feelings.

While I do believe that there is no age limit when it comes to expressing feelings, I would say that a woman would have felt differently about this incident if it happened at this age (as in women close to me age) versus fifteen years ago.

Well, maybe not me--as I had always hated scenes. So let me write "typically".

1 comment:

Nubian said...

You amaze me with your observation of things (and not only on this post, but in others) that many would just walk by and ignore. When I go for my walks now I take time to look around and observe and yes I am finding various funny shapes in the clouds now. ;D

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