Sunday, July 18, 2010

old list

The first thing I did upon waking today was check if my favorite youtube contributor posted something. And there was.

I feel funny posting a photo because of certain reasons.

One of which is that this is a very poor version of the look from the tutorial. Please excuse the unwashed morning face. I just just too excited and wanted to try out the eyes, right there and then.I had my thoughts about blogging about what a friend blogged about a few days ago--a list of things you feel you are too old for. I commented "juicy couture" on her post for laughs.

This got me thinking about my list. I will type as I think of it, so it is likely that the list will be in a funny order.

I am too old...

1. to deem insurance as unnecessary
2. to smoke a pack and a half of cigarettes when I go out to drink
3. to get wasted every weekend
4. to get wasted every other weekend
5. for the grunge look (another reason why photo is funny)
6. not to make effort to eat more vegetables and less red meat
7. to bother about excuses
8. for unnatural coloured hair dyes, think PINK (not that I was ever tempted)
9. to scrimp on healthcare
10. not to know what and who are most important to me
11. to wear denim cut offs

I think next time, I would write a list of things I would never be too old for.

1 comment:

Nubian said...

I think I might just "borrow" this idea and post on my blog ~ my favorite of yours it "I am too old to bother about excuses" ~ love it!

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