Wednesday, July 28, 2010

till there was pink

I did all the paint mixing when I was a kid, so I understand unions between primary colors bring about secondary colors and when secondary colors are combined, tertiary colors result.

Blue and Red become Purple--Indigo?

Red and Yellow become Orange.

Blue and Yellow become Green.

This would be too long a blog entry if I explain the color wheel.

Anyway, what is this entry really about?

I had been trying to figure out in my head how a bronze base, layered with blue powder ends up pink on my lids.


I decided to break it down to primary colors.


Bronze = brown + yellow + pink

brown = red + orange

red = primary color

orange = red + yellow

yellow = primary color

pink = red + blue + white

blue = primary color


When I add up all the primary colors taking the "quantity" into consideration, it was suddenly crystal clear.



+ red + yellow

+ red + blue (+ A LOT OF white)

+ blue




It all sums up to pink.


Nubian said...

You make me smile and I so needed to today ~ Thank you.

tracy gomez said...

'this too shall pass'. Thing would look up soon enough :-)

happy to hear that you liked my post :D

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