Thursday, December 31, 2009

mura naman o

Every Filipino would know the term nagmumurang kamatis. This is a person of age who intentionally acts or dresses up like someone in their youth. It could but not necessarily be out of midlife crisis, whim or making for loss time.

Clear enough.

But what of nagmumura? The root word is mura which stands for a lot of things.

1. Mura could mean a curse, noun. Or cursing, verb when you put mag-, -in-, -hin at the beginning, middle or end, respectively.

2. Mura could stand for cheap.

So I thought to myself. It can't mean cursing tomatoes. Maybe it is cheap tomatoes. I mean, the overripe ones are sold at a discount to encourage sale because these rot and go to waste.

I was happy with conclusion.

Then I found out that MURA is used to refer specifically for tomatoes, to describe the state when they are close to rotting.

Close enough.

You learn something new everyday.

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