Sunday, December 20, 2009

the cure

It is interesting how people do funny things when they are restless. Or lonely. Or feeling alone.

What never fails to amaze me is the determination and effort involved when seeking attention. Or sympathy. Sometimes, there is even a taste of desperation that goes with it. It is quite obvious of course, to everyone but the person--I think.

As a concerned party, I try to pacify the hunger. But it is never enough. As you see, no one person can satisfy the need. In fact, nothing and no one would be able to accomplish the impossible feat but the actual person.


What do I suggest?

For starters, I would suggest to myself that I stop trying to solve the issue. Because I can't. I am but part of the audience.

To the person, I would suggest the following:

Give. Give to the needy. Volunteer. Talk to others who need someone to listen to them. To receive what you seek, you should give it away. I didn't write that. But it makes a lot of sense.

Clean. To clear your mind, start by cleaning your surroundings. Discard old clothes. Take out shoes you no longer wear. Throw away dated bills, receipts and other files. Rid your place of clutter.

Organise. To bring your self to the intended place, organise your life. Start by organising your things.

Fix. Mend shirts with loose buttons, replace ruined soles and tape ripped pages. There is happiness in piecing together what has fallen apart. Literally. And figuratively.

Create. Bake a cake, cook a meal, paint / sketch something beautiful, take a photo, write a poem or sew a dress. It could be anything that allows you to imagine and express yourself.

Smile. It is the fastest way to make things just a little bit more bearable.

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