Wednesday, October 30, 2013

a glimpse, a thought, a smile

"I see you"
The Avatar reference, kind of creeps me out too.  Yes.


My husband wears his ring everywhere.

Watching basketball, doing chores, sleeping.  I think he even wears it taking a bath.

The idea makes me smile a little bit.

Not for some ideal that committed men wear their rings for the world to see.  Or that it is a sign of loyalty.  It is not really a measure of anything.

Maybe it's because he is a strict-watch-only-guy.  Seeing how he truly embraces his transition to a wedding-band-and-watch-guy, is a good enough reason to smile more.


Idea, check.


What of everyday things?


We'd be talking, or I'd ask him to pass the sugar, and there.  I see it.  I catch a glimpse of that sliver of metal around his finger and my heart stops.

I remember.  

I am reminded.

Every now and then.  I pause and think.

We are married.


And that is a good enough reason to smile all day long.

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