Wednesday, July 31, 2013

the others

I had started this process the month we got engaged--the process of incrementally cleaning out my stuff. 

Drawers.  Containers. 

Shoes.  Clothes.  Make Up. 

Medicine Supply.  Toiletries.


It lasted for a month.


Over the weekend, I re-started it and I know that this time, it has to happen!


I had taken out six pairs of shoes and one flip flops.

I also gave up a miniature burger model I got from McDonald's. 

I threw away four pens, bills and bank statements more than 6 months back.

I cleared nine trousers and three tops.

I donated toiletries that would spoil on me.  Yes, that 1L body wash.

You'd think that would make a dent. 


My room is the underdog of storage room potential.  You'd think there is no room for much, but let me tell you, it can hold a LOT!


I am going through three containers of clothes the next few days and after that I'll tackle the mountain that is my folded house clothes and the others.

The others being, clothes I just throw into my closet.  Clothes I had never worn or clothes I never wear--but feel I would (at some point I can't foresee anytime soon).  Others are what could be more appropriately called 'lessons learnt'.


Wish me luck, offer a short prayer or send positive vibes my way.  This is a mountain I need to climb! 


Marie said...

Good luck! I totally had to do the same but gave up in the end and just moved everything :P

tracy gomez said...

I have no choice! We have no space! If I don't do this we'd we featured in that show 'hoarders' :-p

Marie said...

LOL! We didn't either :P Our guest room became my closet ;)

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