Sunday, April 15, 2012


I realised that the past few months, my nail colour stash had been growing.

It started innocently enough late 2010 when I bought my first one in brick red, I used only that for close to three quarters of a year till I got the eggplant. I used those two alternating for half a year.

Someone gave me a silver shatter--at some point. I forget when that was.

One day, I saw a sea foam green that I liked. I'm crazy about green. And then some multiplicity phenomenon happened.Now, I have three green shades.

I also have a copper one. Bronze? You get the idea.

Why am I writing about this?

Because I shocked myself liking a glitter polish today. Another errrr, break-through?

This one I'd describe with my limited nail colour knowledge as the the most subtle full glitter nail colour there is. Or that which I know of. Full glitter is what I'd call something you wear on its own--capable of an opaque finish. I imagine there would be an industry standard terminology for that. And I have no clue what it is.

What color? To myself, I describe it as what-I-imagine-concrete-would-look-like-in-Barbie-world.


EDIT: I change my mind! After one day of wearing this, I decided that it makes me think more of SANDPAPER (in Barbie World), rather than concrete.

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