Saturday, February 19, 2011

you talkin' to me?

The cab driver was just to excited to pick me up yesterday. He wasted no time at all to say that he lives near my workplace and will be happy to bring me around.

As I am very good with playing the silence game, he spent a lot of time saying huh-a... an expression locals use as cue for the other person to say something, or acknowledge what they are saying.

I ignored him.

He went on to talk about picking me from my house everyday. Silence.

You would think that the silence would discourage him. It didn't, if only it inspired him to try harder.

He said that he was single and who ever he chooses to marry will be a happy woman for the rest of her life. He added that he could marry anytime he wanted but he wanted to end up with someone he would meet by chance, and preferable a foreigner who was relatively younger (I estimated the driver to be around late sixties). He even said something like maybe someone in her twenties, around your age maybe...students not good, too young what.

He also gave me a detailed account of his history, from his first girlfriend to the-one-that-got-away.

I'm sure there was a story about a wife there, but he chose to tell those that made him seem like a stud.

I was just too happy when we got to my destination. When I was paying, he said that maybe the stars would align and that we would meet each other again and that maybe then we can get to know each other more.

I looked at him and did not reply.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hahaha oh my he was really persistent! kudos to your endurance and composure in these instances ;)

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