Wednesday, February 9, 2011

connect the dots

I had almost gone crazy thinking and rethinking a custom necklace that I am having made. It had been a series of lengthy descriptions and document exchanges. You won't believe the textual detailed description and illustrations that I had provided so that the end product would be perfect. I'm not known to be anal about presentation decks for nothing ;-)

After more than a week, they almost completed a necklace that was all wrong!

I thank God for sending the person I was with when I saw the almost finished product as, somehow it calmed me down.

It was really very disappointed. Maybe I was even teary eyed.

I was so frustrated with the important detail that they missed out that I wrote a three page document to sent out! It even included next steps section!

I got the designer's (errrrr... executer?) reply to my novel today. He seems quite clear with what needs to be done and had admitted to understanding wrongly.

A "Yes. Please proceed." reply would have been sufficient but because of my nature when it comes to specific things, I decided to make a model.

I created a mock necklace. My ingenuity--forced by the lack of proper tools and resistance to spend on craft stuff allowed me to work with what I had!

In the end, I was happy with the fruit of my obsessive behavior.


While I made the necklace using my mannequin, the image that I wanted to send over was the one where I was wearing the necklace because my neck seems to be scrawny.

Just when I was ready to send that email, I looked to see if the photo was clear and realised that it looked...wrong.

It was like a Sanrio's take on Twister.

Right point man to blue.

1 comment:

Nubian said...

Looking forward to seeing the finished necklace.

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