Tuesday, April 27, 2010

who runs away from an engagement?

I saw an episode of How I Met Your Mother today, it was when Ted bumps into his ex fiance who left him at the altar. I won't go much into detail but there were more than I few things said that I liked.

I would like to write a lot about it but I'm tired. So I'd just write my top one.

It was when Ted told the man his ex fiance ran away with that he (the ex fiance's current boyfriend) should not feel bad because he (Ted) didn't want the girl anymore because she left him at the altar and ran away with another man. These show what kind of person she was.

And why would you want to be with a person like that?

(Curious. A very curious question.)


Steven said...

That show is rather humorous. Although, I don't think it would be what is is without Barney. The one question I have refers to the voice over, who is that? I'm guessing it Bob Saget from Fullhouse. Maybe the girl has changed and realized Ted wasn't the right person, better to know then rather 5 years down the road.

tracy gomez said...

I like Barney actually, it wouldn't be as funny without him. Because of the show, I actually stopped calling him Doogie Howser. LOL.

Nubian said...

I don't watch the show, but love the 'advice' that was given.

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