Saturday, April 17, 2010

i want to know

I was watching Oprah just now and I liked what was repeatedly said on the show, a quote from Maya Angelou (who is an autobiographer, I realised after some digging up).

"The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them."


The episode was about betrayal. There were women who had experienced what had happened--or is happening to a myriad of women all over the world, regardless of age, race and what nots. And I am not of an exception--now is not the time to argue technicalities.

All of them admitted having ignored what was right in front of them, only because they wanted to continue the happy life they had. And that it was not only about giving up on the person, but most importantly and most difficult of all was giving up on the idea of a fairy tale.


One woman said something that struck something in me. She said that the worse part was that everybody knew but her, and so the betrayal grew somewhat exponentially.


How do you decide if you should say something? When is a couple issue your issue too?


Unknown said...

maybe we can discuss about this one time if there's a chance :)

Nubian said...

I once told a friend about her husband and his "little bit on the side" ~ she is no longer a friend and he continues to have his "flings". I have been on the other side of the fence, ex-husband left with my ex-best friend... life goes on. I would love to follow your blog, but can't find the link to do that.

tracy gomez said...

I could see how it is possible to strain a friendship with disclosure of such. With this being said, if a partner would stray I pray that someone tells me. The reason behind the act would be quite clear for me, the person is a friend and only wants to help :)

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