Sunday, April 13, 2008

MAKE UP your mind

A guy friend is traveling and had been more than nice agreeing to get me some make up. He said he that I should give him all the details as his good judgment won't be of any use for matters concerning girly stuff.

As discussed, I wrote everything neatly on a post it so he could just give it to the salesperson. End of story. At least I thought. At least he thought.

The night before his trip I called him to say that for the powder, he should get the shade lighter and that he should swap the preference order for the lipstick. End of story. At least I thought. At least he thought.

He was at the shop when he called to say that for the powder, the store was out of the lighter shade and for the lipstick they only have my second option. I told him to get the lipstick and forget about the powder. I thanked him. End of story. At least I thought. At least he thought.

Today. I realized I don't mind getting the shade of the powder I had listed down in the first place. I sent him an sms. He says he will get it when he goes back to the store. I thank him for his patience. He will get the powder. I will thank him. End of story.

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