Monday, January 21, 2008

i wana get...

Guy goes to the gym and heads to the treadmills, he starts the one right beside this particular girl. They have talked some before. He once got her a protein shake and tried to pass the gesture that he does to everyone everyday.

Guy: Hey. You're here.
Girl: Hey.
Guy: Let me see what you are listening to, pass me your ipod.
Girl: (hands him her ipod and reaches for his)
Guy: (scans through the songs) Not bad.
Girl: You have a few songs here that I should copy.
Guy: You know what? I think you are missing this particular song. It is a must have.
Girl: You think? What song?
Guy: (gets his ipod and scans to the particular song) Here. Listen.
Girl: You are so right! (laughs)

(It was Olivia Newton John's song, Physical)

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