Wednesday, January 23, 2013

just peachy

Here is one of the two posts I 'really' wanted to write relating to the crystal post.


I went to one of my mom's favourite jewellery stores.  It is a place I frequent whenever I fly back home, but it is not a place I had ever gotten anything for myself from.  They have really nice things and I had tried on more than a few ones; it is just that nothing had really made my heart jump.

This visit was different.

For two reasons.

And this post is about one of the reasons.


Something caught my eye.  Not in an in-your-face kind of way, but more in a hello-you-are-fast-growing-on-me way.

I kept it at my peripheral view, skimming through the store for other things. 

And before I can make a full round.  I had asked the sales person to please bring it out.

My mom instantly said oh!  I was looking out for that for you too! which in itself is miraculous.  And I say miraculous not to be dramatic but to be perfectly descriptive.  Our tastes are worlds apart!

I tried it on.  And everyone in the room, security guard included smiled looking at me wearing it.

So maybe I can't really trust them--even if my mom is their regular.  At the end of the day, they are all in it wanting to sell.

What was interesting though was that they were swaying me towards this earring-and-ring set when it costs half of the other earrings that I had my eye on.  Surely, if we are talking profit and sales, they would want me to get the more expensive one?

I quickly shook off the over analysing hat and focused on looking at it on me.  And my mom's comments.

The more I looked, the more I felt something. 

It was a surprise to me that it fit--no, suited me well.  And an even bigger surprise is, I had never imagined or thought of--not once, having something like it. 

If you know me, you would also know that I have a fairly good idea of what kind of jewellery I like.


Long story short, it came home with me.


I was initially told that it was chalcedony but when they were writing out the receipt, they corrected themselves and advised that it was in fact, orange moonstone.

It isn't orange though.  It looked peach--y.  Not a bright peach but a dusky peach.  Definitely not a cute peach, but a mature peach.  If that makes sense.


We then go back to the statement that we are drawn to the elements we need

I read a few pages on orange moonstones, call it selective retention but it was so spot on!

Physical healing : for female reproductive system, menstrual problems and hormonal imbalance. <-- a="" br="" but="" good="" in="" is="" it="" match="" maybe="" more="" nbsp="" past="" pretty="" so="" than="" the="" today.="">
Emotional healing : calming and soothing.  Drives away nightmares and encourages sleep. <-- a="" all="" br="" fright="" if="" more="" nbsp="" nights.="" no="" or="" sleepless="" up="" waking="" well="" with="" works="">
Chakra : cleanses and dispels negativity. <-- all="" br="" how="" this="" want="" we="">
Spiritual healing : focus on what is needed not wanted.  Combats materialism and strengthens faith.  <-- b="" i="" like="" one="" this="">

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