Monday, January 21, 2013


I have a friend who does everything.  And by everything, I mean that she is yoga teacher, acupuncturist, spin class instructor, massage therapist, Business Analyst and Test Manager!

Though we live in different continents, our work forces us to talk everyday.  There are days we find time to talk about personal matters, and even health and healing.  I welcome those days.

I love talking to her about crystals, touch therapy, transfers of energies and other healer things.  One lunch time during a business trip she told me we would naturally be drawn to the crystals (or gemstones, minerals maybe) that we need

Curious.  I wanted to go to a crystal shop right there and then.  I had never been to one, nor felt the compelling need to.  But I'm curious.  Very.


My mom was once given a crystal.  I'm not sure for what, or where it is now, but I remember seeing a crystal. 


I never had a crystal, but I find that I am drawn to certain stones.  I think it is due to aesthetic purposes as I do associate them with jewellery.  Let me write about it more...

I had always loved coral.  For some reason, I could never truly shake off my attachment to it.  I had a gold bracelet with coral flowers as a child and I had been looking for something like it every since.  Forget that it doesn't go with my clothes now.  Something in me, begs that I get one.

I was maybe, strong enough to resist due to practical reasons perhaps but I had always been in the lookout for coral earrings.  I didn't want to get just any coral earrings.  I plan to get only one pair and so, I need to find one that I adored. 

As far as these things go, coral perhaps is really my first love. 


In my early twenties, my best friend and I got ourselves elastic bracelets with Rose Quartz.  I admit that the color really drew me in.  I like the faint pink.

I don't know when I stopped wearing it.  Or why.  Maybe the elastic gave.

That was that.

At some point, I got replacements, three elastic bracelet bands of white luminescent stones.  What kind, I forget.  And I don't remember wearing them as much as the rose quartz.


In my mid twenties, I began noticing turquoise.

I hate that they always seem to incorporate American Indian style into turquoise jewellery.  It's not my style.

Last year, I saw a lovely pair of diamond earrings with turquoise danglers.  I was such in a rush that I didn't inquire about it.  I thought that it won't sell until I'm ready to buy it.  I mean, I didn't imagine it was something well sought after.

I was wrong.

I never saw it again.

I'm not kicking myself too hard about letting it slip because I haven't even tried it on.  With earrings, you really need to try it on.  Too often I get too excited only to realise that it doesn't do anything for me.

So maybe, the universe was telling me that I should wait.


Whenever I go to Chinatown, I am tempted to get some jade.  I remember buying a fabric bracelet with a jade flower.  I remember quite clearly too, that I never wore it once.  What I don't remember is where it is now.

For my wedding, I was actually contemplating on wearing jade earrings.  I managed to find something I liked too but the price point didn't agree with what I felt was reasonable for something like that.  So maybe it was not meant.

The universe had consistently prevented me from securing earrings from the others category.


If it's true that we are drawn to certain stones because we need why am I especially drawn to Coral, Turquoise and Jade? 


I did a quick google and pulled out some points on each.

Coral - typical gift of a mother to a new born as a protective amulet.  It is an emotional healer and considered a remedy for physical disorder involving blood and bones.  It alsostimulates tissue regeneration.  It is said to bring peace and stimulates intuition.

Turquoise - draws negative vibrations and opens the heart chakra for giving and receiving love.  Aids you to live your life with integrity and truth.  It will assist you to better absorb nutrients and protects against atmospheric pollutants.  Helps on feelings of depletion or over exhaustion.

Jade - have strong calming vibrations.  It is the stone of the heart, strengthening it as well as the kidneys, nervous system and immune system.  It promotes health in organs that purify the blood.


Maybe this is like reading your horoscope to some people.  This time I'd choose the other route and say that maybe it is intuition.

I'd like to think that our bodies know what is best for us.  When I'm dehydrated, it tells me that I'm thirsty.

If I'm drawn to something, maybe it is because I am fulfilling a need.


NOTE:  This post really is a prelude to one (or two) that I want to write about.  When you read it, you'd know.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

aha! and so the 'peachy' hehehe

i like turquoise also.. i'm actually looking for a ring. haven't found the right one yet. i was able to get jade earrings in cambodia :)

i wear this red buddha beads bracelet everyday. my mom never fails to replace them every time the elastic bracelet breaks. for me, it's good vibes and positivity... iwas usog daw hehe

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