Tuesday, November 9, 2010

sinking feeling

I hate to admit that somehow I had let myself go...plump. I guess, I was resigned given the fact that there are no skinny women in my family.

I'd say to myself I'd compensate with a pretty smile--floss daily, brush regularly. Those are much easier than eating right and exercising.

Maybe, I am secretly hoping for a miracle formula. Nope, no pills please. I was maybe hoping that the South Beach, Atkins or Grapefruit diet will work and then I don't have to think of my hips anymore. While these diets work, they are for me, unsustainable.

I love carbs! What can I do? Although I am not a big rice eater, I love bread and pasta :)

I also don't enjoy talking about dieting--because it makes me feel like an idiot. Only because I know what should be done, but somehow look the other way for other options.

I'd always say, it is only complicated if you don't want to do what you have to, usually in a romantic relationship context though. Never this way.

I wish I could end this blog entry with a TODAY IS THE DAY EVERYTHING CHANGES....

But I can't. Because I'm not sure.


Nubian said...

I heard a saying the other day "I wish I was as skinny as when I thought I was fat"

Unknown said...

i think i was nodding nonstop while reading this entry. i love pasta&bread too! my hubby gave up inviting me to jog, we usually end up arguing coz i always have an excuse to get out of it. i would tell him, i wanna do it on my own free will.. i wish that will would come soon!

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