Sunday, April 26, 2009

retrospective writing

Sundays are for reviewing the damage caused by the week that was.

Well, I guess that first line is too dramatic. It makes it seem as though there are significant realizations, events or changes that take place every week. If you think long term, then potentially, there would be. Otherwise the list below would just be another list of as expected useless information.

This week, I realized that:

1. Too much dependency strains friendships and often leads to falling outs. I know what I am talking about here. I was fortunate that for my case, we were able to get past it. We are now better friends than we were, but I was fortunate should be highlighted here.

2. On and off. You are seen as an insane, stupid, hopeless, pathetic person if you are in an on-and-off boyfriend-and-girlfriend relationship; if you are married to the person you have an on-and-off relationship with, you are actually applauded for doing the right thing.

3. More and more people are realizing that I just can't see you in my future is not a break up line, but a reason to break up. Yey!

4. Nerd Herd :) This isn't about that series Chuck, but I am happy to say that more women are discovering how cool nerds are.

5. If you look hard enough and watch enough tv shows, you'd see glimpses of your relationship or past relationships in random segments of most series.

6. If you think you know who left the anonymous comment, you are probably right.

7. People volunteer to make their lives more difficult when they lie.

8. Relationships never end. Relationships however, change.

9. Don't be too quick to say that someone is not paying attention, because it could be the case that you are the one not paying attention.

10. It is not so very easy to shut up and listen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

#3 :)

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