Friday, December 14, 2007

Friday Manila Style

In Manila , you spent the whole day thanking God that it's Friday. Every week, without miss, the air feels different on the fifth working day.

You get in your car and tune to 99.5RT and listen to classics! From southern suburbia to the business district, Makati , classic gold!

You get to the office and see the orange juice, ready for the taking. You remind yourself to thank God again.

You work--leisurely and decide to pay for it on Monday when you'd again, work like a horse and end at 11PM, after your supposed 9 - 10 PM call.

You have a two-hour lunch at a nice place with your evil teammates. And end it with a sinful dessert, that again, you need to burn off in the gym on Monday.

You bitch about the company policy, that despite of the casual day friday rule, you find it doesn't really mean casual, that after all the restrictions and conditions are taken into consideration, you end up wearing what other people wear from Monday to Thursday.

You spend time tracking your team's charges against the buckets and spend more time clocking your hours. But you don't complain, because in a few hours, you'd be free.

Just when you feel that your head is about to explode and that you can't look at another excel sheet, someone asks you to smoke. And it feels like Friday again.

When it's time to go home, you kickoff your weekend with a couple of drinks at Dream Bar while listening to 80's songs.

And the week long party begins.

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