Thursday, August 23, 2007

Like mushrooms on a damp and idle log...

I am never the one to have sensitive skin. I don't follow a strict skin care routine.

Although I have been using the same brand of facial scrub and moisturizer for more than ten years now, I am constantly changing my sunblock for no reason except that I feel like switching brands whenever my current runs out. The same way I am when it comes to shampoos. I go to the store, look and read the labels then pick whichever. My hair looks and feels the same whichever I get, so it is not really critical. The same goes for sunblock, whichever brand I get, my skin condition stays the same--until recently.

I picked out a very popular, seemingly reliable brand last week, as I have almost exhausted my then current vitamin E enriched sunblock. Come Saturday, I started using the new one.

During the first few days, I didn't notice the small bumps. Tonight however, as I looked into the mirror after taking a bath, I realized that I must be allergic to the new brand. I am having an acute breakout and there is nothing cute about it.

I hope it clears up soon.

Dear God, I believe that pimples are like chicken pox and measles, that it would happen to you at one point in your life and then one day, you'll wake up and realize that you're healed. Please make them go away and never come back, not even on a rainy day, or any-other-weathered day. I promise to give up chocolates till then. Amen.

And God, please forgive Malu Fernandez.

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