Monday, July 30, 2012

i knead you

I bit the bullet and made my first dough.  Yes, from scratch.  As in using basic ingredients like flour, yeast, water, what have you.  It was for pizza.

It was a lot of hard work!  I kneaded by hand.  The person I'm with helped me too.  He was so nice wiping sweat off my forehead as I worked the dough.  As some point, he got half the dough and kneaded some.  We spent a good part of our Friday night kneading.

I kept reminding myself and him that Daniel didn't think much of kneading dough, but Mr. Miyagi proved him wrong--it was good (fighter) training.  I would be saying the same if one day, we find each other cleaning windows, only I'd add wash in, wash out.    

I made dough enough for eight, but only baked four.  The one in the photo is literally the first one out of the oven :)

As you can see I can still learn a few things to help with the shape and layout.  I may have placed a certain mozzarella pieces too close to the edge.

more that a rectangle

I made the pizza dangerously thin, only because I want pizza crust that way.   The same is true for the rest of our household.

So it was pizza for (late lunch) for the person I'm with on Saturday.

I was happy to hear him say wow after the first bite :)  He ate half his pizza, then had the other half for breakfast on Sunday.
basil and mozzerella on my home made tomato sauce

For toppings, I made home made tomato sauce.  I thought I'd go all the way homemade, the dough part was the hardest anyways.  So I made a sauce from whole tomatoes, basil and a lot of garlic.  Some olive oil plus salt and pepper too.  Much better that something from a can.

I really enjoyed this project that I think I'd give it another go applying things I've learnt :)

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