Wednesday, July 6, 2011

foolish, foolish heart

Come mid afternoon, I felt something funny.

My heart was fluttering. Literally. Obviously, not in a good way.

It was as if my heart was struggling to beat. Like it was great effort to beat.

I did the easy test to see if I was having a stroke.

It is quite handy to know. It is funny how I once attended a seminar and sort of "never forgot" about the three steps.

1. Smile
2. Raise your arms to the side like you are forming a letter T
3. Recite a full sentence

I forget now the reasons behind each one. But if you find yourself unable to do at least one. You must NOT PANIC and try to force yourself to cough.


I tried all three exercises and I was able to do each one.

Still not convinced, I forced myself to cough.

Still fluttering.

I sat down, placed my hand on my heart and took big, long inhales and even longer exhales.


I got better eventually.

The fluttering had gone, but my heart feels funny. Not sure if it is psychological.

Is this really what being thirty-something means?


Nubian said...

I have the same flutterings as well. Best you go get a check up from your some time soon, just to be safe. :~)

Unknown said...

oh wow thanks for the info there! i experience this at least 2-3x in a year and i would just sit down and wonder if i'm having a mild heart attack or stroke.. i guess it goes with being thirty-ish :(

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